Welcome to GHASSIST
Meet the company that welcomes newcomers to Luanda
In the modern world, airlines endeavour to surpass their competitors by recourse to different strategies. One of those is, undoubtedly, by offering novel and attractive services on board. >>
Get to know the 1st issue of our

Today, with the difficult world financial scenario, businesses are seeking to adopt methods, management models and strategies increasingly more compatible and solid. Therefore, GHASSIST’s main strategy is founded on the motivation and preparation of its collaborators, in order to make them more competitive and productive, which relates directly to the quality of services rendered to our clients. Client satisfaction is therefore directly related to the quality of services they receive, which translates into a sustained development of the company, generating value for shareholders, collaborators and all of the company’s stakeholders.
The road to Excellence and Continued Improvement cannot, by any means, happen on the basis of a single option, but must result from a duly sustained process and implemented, rooted in the organizational structure and culture. The structure of the main key-processes, together with the management of Certifications ISO-9001 and IATA-ISAGO, ensure that good practices will, in the near future, lead GHASSIST to success.
At present, Ground Handling activity has proved to be increasingly competitive, and one can only achieve differentiation and valued added for all the interested parties, shareholders, clients, suppliers, collaborators and society, by means of a clear improvement of all key indicators established for each key process. Consequently, ongoing Training and Communication assume a role that is fundamental and crucial for the development of GHASSIST, as catalysers of our human resources’ potential.
Our objective will always be to exceed the expectations of our clients and we are sure that we can do so. Above all, we believe that, together, we will construct a sustained and promising future, taking into consideration all sensibilities concerned and feeling pride in being the pioneer Ground Handling company in Angola.
Ari de Carvalho

Today, GHASSIST has the honour and the privilege of being part of a still restricted group of Ground Handling service operators in Africa, regarded as having its processes and procedures duly fine-tuned, as well as human resources with the desirable training, in order to satisfy the increasingly demanding Safety requirements in world civil aviation. >>